Release 1.00 This is the initial release. I've tested it with MMTB 3.0 and it seems to work properly. Release 1.10 I've had the chance to check whether REMSCR 1.00 works with TB 1.53. It doesn't. The format of the book file seems to be a little bit different from the format used by MMTB 3.0. The length information is not immediately prepended to the scripts. So I've introduced a new mode of operation. REMSCR 1.00 set the length info to zero and removed the script by replacing the plain text with 0x00 bytes. The new mode of operation is activated by specifying the "/c" command line switch as in 'remscr /c mybook.tbk'. REMSCR 1.10 will then be switched to conservative mode. In conservative mode it will also look for the comment '-- REMOVE THIS SCRIPT'. However, instead of reading the two bytes immediately preceeding this string, the program will continue reading bytes until it hits a 0x00 byte. (It seems that a 0x00 byte is used to mark the end of a script.) The length of the script is found by simply counting the number of bytes read until the 0x00 byte is encountered. After that, REMSCR will overwrite the script with 0xe0 bytes. (0xe0 marks the beginning of a new line. Therefore the script won't be removed but replaced by empty lines. This is not very elegant but as effective as removing the script.) You'll end up with a script that consists merely of empty lines. DON'T EDIT THIS SCRIPT (although you can), because if you save your changes, (MM)TB will compile the empty script and replace your originally compiled script by an empty one. The '/c' option was tested with some TB 1.53 book files and seems to work properly with them. Release 1.20 I'm a fool and nobody told me! This is essentially the 1.10 release. I've merely added a small script ('tags.txt'). You might want to add this to your book script. It contains a handler for the message 'add_tags'. It prepends the line '-- REMOVE THIS SCRIPT' to all scripts contained in your book, except the viewer scripts (there are no viewers in TB 1.53). To remove all scripts from your book execute the 'add_tags' handler, e. g. by using 'send add_tags', save your book into a different file and run the script remover. No need to add the '-- REMOVE THIS SCRIPT' lines manually anymore. Could have thought of this earlier... Sorry for the inconvenience. Release 1.21 David H. Good ( pointed out that backgrounds are not always consecutively numbered. He has provided an improved script that copes with this little problem. I've renamed the original 'tags.txt' file of the 1.20 distribution to 'tags_org.txt'. The 'tags.txt' file in this release is David's script. Release 1.22 David has provided me with another improved 'tags.txt'. It even handles group scripts. Moreover it enables you to export all scripts of a book. 'tags.txt' is the latest script I got from David. 'tags_org.txt' is still my original from the 1.20 distribution.